Inspired by the 90s animated series, Batman: The Animated Series 5 Points contains everyone's favorite crime-fighting duo and a variety of Gotham City's most notorious villains, each complete with their own interchangeable heads, arms, and accessories. Each 3.75-inch scale figure is individually packaged in a retro style blister card, perfect for display.
The Joker: the eccentric Clown Prince of Crime and one of Batman's deadliest arch-enemies, weaving his sinister jokes and pranks into heinous crimes in his attempts to take over Gotham City.
- Two (2) Joker head portraits
- Four (4) Joker arms:
- One (1) pair of regular arms (L&R)
- One (1) arm with knife/fish holding hand (L)
- One (1) arm with pointing finger hand (R)
Recommended for ages 4 years and over.
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$19.99 | $24.99
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$19.99 | $24.99
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$19.99 | $24.99
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